driving nude
Ilove to drive around nude and park in public places and masturbate usually at the overlook at the lake on hwy49 others will be standing sometimes in front of my car looking out over the lake it is so exciting the thrill of maybe being seen I guess
- 10 years ago
I love driving...totally nude....feels wonderful!!!!!!!!!!
- 10 years ago
I love driving naked! Even better with a buddy
- 10 years ago
During the summer I'll often drive to the grocery store naked.
Due to the extreme heat about half of the locals leave town for their summer homes so not many people out and about. Since my property is 2 acres and totally private I'll often be naked for days at a time before having to go anywhere. Also since my driveway is gated I can just leave my keys and billfold in my car. In the summertime I'll usually leave a pair of pull-on shorts and t-shirt in the car also. That way if I need to run to the store I'll just hop in the car and drive there naked. I'll scan the parking lot and park where no one is coming or going from their car. Then slip on the shorts and shirt, hit the store, then get naked again when back in the car for the trip home.
I don't get a sexual thrill from it but it's a great feeling of freedom. Sort of like living in a world where you don't need clothes....well until you get to the store.
- 10 years ago
my kind of guy! love that!
- 9 years ago
I often take nude night drives to a spot I know about 30 mins from home then take a nude walk along a firetrail. It's fantastic on a warm night. I usually end up at the lookout over the river jerking one out. Of course it's always better with company. Love the sight of a guy getting out of his car naked and hard.
- 9 years ago
I often drive nude on the highway - the truckers like it and so do I
- 9 years ago
I often drive nude, especially on a long journey. I can get from my house to my car naked, drive to my destination and dress in the car park. I seek holiday resorts where I can do this too. I'll strip in the airport car park or shopping centre car park. It's often easier with the car door open. Lately it's been with a friend, also naked. On a sight-seeing drive we'll get out of the car naked to take photos. Those scenic photos are more interesting with a nude in the frame.
- 9 years ago
Heres a picture of me cock in hand in a lay-by while on long journey in depths of British winter!!
- 4 years ago
Absolutely love driving nude. Done many miles or as few as 2 mile drive. I will drive in heavy traffic, downtown and thru drive thrus naked....soooo much fun. And as one other said, its better with others with you.
- 4 years ago
I also do a lot of nude driving, thousands of miles over many years. I think that I've driven more miles nude than clothed n Florida , even a couple times in a convertible. It's relaxing, comfortable, keeps me alert. I cover for toll booths and busses :-)
- 4 years ago