Palm Springs, California and Vacinity
Hi Men,I'm searching for hairy bears in the Palm Springs Area who enjoy relaxing in a warm, safe and erotic environment while enjoying each others company naked....Love to experience some erotic male bonding with hairy men of all races and sizes!If you're interested in meeting me, please send me a message!Naked Hugs!
- 9 years ago
I'm in North SDiego county. I'd love to call me visit and hang out with you!
- 8 years ago
I'm in Palm Springs.
- 8 years ago
Palm Springs here. Just found this site. Would love to hang out naked. Exhibitionist at heart here but don't always get a chance to show off.
- 8 years ago
Palm Springs here. Just found this site. Would love to hang out naked. Exhibitionist at heart here but don't always get a chance to show off.
- 8 years ago
Palm Springs here. Just found this site. Would love to hang out naked. Exhibitionist at heart here but don't always get a chance to show off.
- 8 years ago
I live with my husband (very open) in Cathedral City Cove. Private back yard for playful naked swimming. NSA and friendships welcome.
- 4 years ago