Whereby Masturbators

Those who use Whereby.com rooms to join with like minded TS members in masturbating cam2cam in a private room setting. It may include those who have created a Whereby.com room and would like to share the web address/link with members here and those who wish to visit rooms in order to see and be seen in the act of masturbation and visual sexual stimulation. Group members may use the group page to...

Problem logging in to Whereby

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Did Whereby make a change I'm not aware of? I cant log in and several of the other pages I visit are also closed.

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RE:Problem logging in to Whereby

Near the end of 2021, WhereBy said they were going to stop allowing open rooms. I believe they said in the first quarter of 2022 it'd be implemented. I couldn't find the exact verbiage, but I remember it distinctly. The other options are Zoom, Skype, and Jitsi Meet.

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RE:Problem logging in to Whereby

Thank you

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