Whereby Masturbators

Those who use Whereby.com rooms to join with like minded TS members in masturbating cam2cam in a private room setting. It may include those who have created a Whereby.com room and would like to share the web address/link with members here and those who wish to visit rooms in order to see and be seen in the act of masturbation and visual sexual stimulation. Group members may use the group page to...

Even though we are allowed to have this group, TS doesn't allow us to use TTS chat to inform post in chat another site such as that we have our Whereby room open. Maybe we can post here when our room is open. Once we know each other we can check here or in chatroom when each other is here and be messaged. If you have any other ideas how to notify each other for Whereby play please post here.

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RE:Finding others

Would love to know some others for whereby fun! Cjjacker@yahoo.com is email. Love to see and be seen!

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RE:Finding others

Hard to find an open room on Whereby.

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RE:Finding others

Do you know of any rooms on whereby?

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RE:Finding others


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RE:Finding others


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RE:Finding others


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