Gay Anal Bareback Sex

This is a gay / bi men only group for those of us who prefer the absolute freedom and amazing sensation of condomless man-on-man anal sex ! Post your pics and tell us your favourite barebacking stories !

New to Group

Any UK Members?

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Just need to get really soaked with cum

Fuck me

Hit me up, always ready fora load, suck your cock clean after....

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My tight asshole feel so much pain any advice

Hello every oneEvery time while i am alone and misterbate. I used to fingering my anal and decided to make my hole more bigger i used diffrent things with diffrent sizes and use good lub. All made me feel bad pain then nothing wider then 3/4 inch...

itally chioggia

hello there in itally chioggia for few days wanna meet

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Just Loving It

I'm still Neg and plan on staying that way. I use a spermicidal lube which kills the little swimmers on contact.

Bareback Party

Any Los Angeles bareback parties happening soon? Would love to attend one. Thanks.

Just Loving It

I'm still Neg and plan on staying that way. I use a spermicidal lube which kills the little swimmers on contact.

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seeking BB tops in Boston and New England

I'll be in your region for 4 weeks in October 2016, and have a hungry hole in need of regular fucking and breeding.

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