Gay Anal Bareback Sex

This is a gay / bi men only group for those of us who prefer the absolute freedom and amazing sensation of condomless man-on-man anal sex ! Post your pics and tell us your favourite barebacking stories !

Cum in my Ass

I enjoy bb with a group of guys who will each have his way with my hole and rough it up and shoot each of their loads inside

Tops needed- Canada

Looking for hung tops in the Vancouver,BC/ Canada area

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you are all stupid

so sorry i went through AIDS in the 80s. youre off youre head


Hi guys remind you of my group here Undetectable. For all sex, age and pref, poz or neg, shameless Only need to have a pic to get in. Cu there?

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love to be fisted deep

i have a buddy who just loves to fist everytime he goes in me its deeper than before, last time he had 4 finger in my 2nd hole trying to open it up..his goal is to go into his elbow, anyone else into this?? either top or bottom lets chat

Do you like a guy that is shaved or hairy?

I am a bottom and keep myself shaved. I prefer my partner to be shaved as well. What do you like?

incredible premature cumshot

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Advice on undetectable

If a pos man faithfully takes meds and is undetectable, am I, a neg man, sane in taking his cock bare?

Enjoy Poking Bro w My Thick Cock

I like connecting w bros w my cock... Am fit and real thick dicked... It's sometimes a challenge to fuck a bro's ass if they're real tight, takes work... but if they can take a fist, then I slip right in, that's real hot, and I can...

Hi guys

Don't hesitate, join my group Undetectable. Any sex, any preference, any satus. Only restriction is no private profiles.

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