Black Nudists

for those who loves their body regardless of colour or race

I think black men are so sexy! Do you agree?

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RE: Black Men

Black men mostely do have a big manhood. I like all kinds of manhood.

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RE:Black Men

yes very sexy

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RE:Black Men


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RE: Black Men

i agree too but they also are shy...

I don't find this at all. These threats are so weird. One, there are literally 3000 to 5000 or more cultural communities that involve or are comprised of Black men. On every continent except Antarctica. A Papua New Guinean. A windrush Jamaican in the UK. A Gullah Geechee. A Black Indigenous man. A Kalahari San or Kung! A Kenyan Luo. A Black Chinese. A Scotia Black man. Michael Jordan. Miles Davis. Youssou N'Dour. Haile Selassie. The Chevalier de St. Georges. If the perception of the MOST diverse group of human beings is reduced to "big penis" and "shy" (examples from the thread), I just want to suggest that the understanding is not as good as it could be and if you really want to value Black men, then perhaps step over the stereotypes and generalizations or at least add something more. There is also a good chance that average penis size data shows that there's not much of a difference between us no matter what color skin you have. The

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RE:Black Men

Individuals are sexy. Not entire racial categories.
You can find sexy black men, you can find un sexy black men, and not everyone is going to agree which is which.

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RE:Black Men

Individuals are sexy. Not entire racial categories.You can find sexy black men, you can find un sexy black men, and not everyone is going to agree which is which.


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RE:Black Men

Oh yessss!

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