Affectionate Man-on-man Sex

The name says it all - a group for guys who are into man-on-man kissing, stroking, touching, massage, soft licking, body hugging (face to face or from behind) and cuddling, before during and after love making, whether with a partner or in a three-or-more group... Nothing makes a play session hotter, more fun and intimate than the open, sexual affection between masculine mates ! :0)

All Male Party Delevan, Wisconsin

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SEWiscBareJacks Yahoo! Group

South East Wisconsin BareJacks Wednesday September 26th Day Party

Wednesday September 26, 2012
11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Delavan, Wisconsin
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event.

Date: Wednesday September 26th Day Party

Time: 11:00 am 3:00pm CST

Bring a bag and a towel

Yahoo Group =

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