on the move

today while shopping i could feel my penis rubbing against my jeans and moving from one side of the zipper to the next, it wasn't hard but definately not flaccid several times i put my hands in my pocket to shift it around and at one point i saw a guy my age watching i just smiled. usually he stay calm lol but he was being a little frisky and my head rubbing on my jeans didn't help. i'm sure others have had this problem - or is it really a problem ?

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RE:on the move

If it happens, it happens! :-)

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RE:on the move

I try to avoid rearranging things in public but am happy to enjoy any sensations as they occur. Depending on the situation any resulting reaction to the stimulation that's noticeable to others is nice.

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RE:on the move

I quite like the feeling of my penis having free movement and rubbing against my clothes and the swelling as a result of this

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RE:on the move

If you're also wearing rings and the movement is even more vigorous or noticeable, then what happens, happens!

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