great pic, WyOsas

Thanks for uploading a great pic.

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RE: great pic, WyOsas

I wonder if I should post more. lol

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RE: great pic, WyOsas

That would be nice, WyOsas. Your profile pics are great.

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RE: great pic, WyOsas

You are one lucky guy... There are three ladies in the main pic for this group.

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RE: great pic, WyOsas

It looks like you had a great time making this pic.

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RE: great pic, WyOsas

You and your friends are wild--another great pic... Thanks.

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RE: great pic, WyOsas

You are one lucky guy... There are three ladies in the main pic for this group.It makes me wonder if there may have been another lady there that took the picture we all enjoy so well. Who was the photographer for this pic? Was it another lady, perhaps? If so, then the guy was even luckier than we may have thought.

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