Tampa bay area Looking for amateur photographer

We are looking for an amateur photographer interested in shooting some nude male or eventually couple's pictures, we do not need a professional photographer just somebody that likes photography and knows how a reflex camera works.
We are preferably looking for a man or couple between 35 and 60 years of age.
For the man we hope in a younger, very good looking man with an athletic body and well mannered that is not expecting anything more than just taking the pictures of me. Anything beyond that is just chance.
My wife is not sure where she will feel comfortable getting, se might just be a spectator or she could get directly involved in the shooting.
The idea is just to all have some fun and see what happens.

For family reasons we cannot host at our home, so the right person should have a location to shoot or eventually a boat we can do the shooting on
If needed we can provide the camera and for more privacy the shooting will be made directly on our sd card.

Thank you to everybody

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