What got you started exhibiting?

I got started as an exhibitionist back in the 1980s without realizing it. The swim suit styles were really different than today. I wore a red Speedo back then. You could see right through it. I would notice women looking at me at the beach or swimming pool. I could see through their bathing suits too.

The swimsuit styles changed quite a bit since then. Now you are expected to wear knee length trunks and cover up at the pool at least where I live. I wondered what happened that caused Speedo to stop manufacturing such revealing swim wear?

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RE:What got you started exhibiting?

I got started as an exhibitionist back in the 1980s without realizing it. The swim suit styles were really different than today. I wore a red Speedo back then. You could see right through it. I would notice women looking at me at the beach or swimming pool. I could see through their bathing suits too.

Back in the 1980s, I would swear a skimpy swimsuit at the beach. It covered me okay except when I got an erection. The women could see how hard I was. It wasn't a Speedo, but it might as well have been. I don't know why swimsuit styles have changed so much since then.

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RE:What got you started exhibiting?

I guess I started exhibiting myself about 15 yrs old. The neighbor lady who was around 35 used to lay out topless in her yard where only I could see her by standing on my back porch. Of course her topless became nudeness as she knew no one could see her, or at least she thought so. Being a young viral male her nude body caused me to get an erection that I had to take care of. I enjoyed standing on my porch pleasing myself as she oiled up and layed out completely nude. This went on for a few weeks until she stood up looked over at me naked on my porch with a boner sticking out. She smiled and motioned for me to come over. I reached down for my shorts she said no need for those I've seen you there many days enjoying my sunning. Felt kind of embarassed at first but thought why not shes nude I'm nude I'll go talk to her. She told me once there I could finish up what I was doing she would like to watch me for a while. I finished up shooting a large load of semen not realizing the distance I could fire. some hit her tummy and breast, she just looked down said thank you for sharing . She told me I could just stay and get comfy if I wanted so I did.. After a few minutes I noticed her spread open legs and could see she was wet, I got hard again. I stood up and worked another good load off this time she moved closer so it almost all coverd her tummy and breast and bush. She smiled and told me to come over any time not to stand on my porch. After that I just started going nude at my house whenever I could. My sister hated it and always told me I was a pervert. She even told her girlfriends who asked me if I would strip off and go nude while they were there. They wanted to see an erection too. So I obliged them as much as I could. That when I knew Exhibitionism was fun.

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RE:What got you started exhibiting?

I got started about 10th grade. A girl I was involved and I drove to this large park in Houston and since few was around, it was a dare so I took my clothes off, she took hers off and we walked around a bit. Just as we were about to get dressed again a couple of girls were walking near so we decided to walk by them.
One made a remark about not knowing it was a nudist park which it wasn't. But they weren't bothered by it. So we remained nude laying on the quilt until the park got too crowded. We both thought it was a rush, good memories

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RE:What got you started exhibiting?

The first time I went nude in public was at a clothing optional beach. I was in my early 20s at the time. There weren't many women who went there because there were a lot of male gawkers. As a result, most of the women kept their swimsuits on. Some of them let me sit and chat with them. If the circumstances were right, I would deliberately let myself get an erection in front of them. I wouldn't try to hide it. I remember this one girl who was a bit shocked. She was with her two girlfriends. I don't think she was expecting me to display an erection. That was very exciting for me.

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RE:What got you started exhibiting?

Many years ago we was on a road trip and decided to get a room for the night being tired from driving. Very nice hotel, I want give the name. I had just showered and she was asleep, so decided to walk to the vending area nude to see what they had. It was a fairly long walk, maybe 4-5 minutes one way.
On the way I past a couple, who proudly announced they were newly weds . They asked where I was going? They followed me there, at the vending area was a woman just walking away, she stared and on the way back , some drunks coming back from drinking.
Not very exciting for my first intentional nude strutting but I did it lol

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RE:What got you started exhibiting?

I went to a boarding school and we used to have a communal shower that everyone would use after sport. I was a late developer so even at 15 I was hairless and very self conscious about my little cock and used to get mocked. So what I used to do was stroke it a bit to get the blood flowing a little to add a bit of size without being obviously erect. Anyway one day I must have overdone it and someone spotted that my cock was a bit erect. He pointed it out to everyone at which point I really couldnt deny it and it just got harder. I tried to cover it up but a few guys grabbed my hands and I was left standing in front of everyone in the shower with my cock fully erect! Obviously my reputation was in tatters but despite the shame I found thinking about the episode turned me on so a couple of weeks later I did it again on purpose! I got a similar reaction but this time I pretended that I was concerned that I was on display. Soon it became a regular thing. Ever since Ive always liked being seen.

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RE:What got you started exhibiting?

My earliest memories did not have me pegged as an exhibitionist as I was traumatized by an incident in my early childhood in which my older cousins hid all my clothes and the bath towels while I was showering and then teased me mercilessly as I hid behind the old, sagging shower curtain. No childhood streaking naked through the house for me. But I changed as I sexually matured, especially one afternoon when I was around 15 years old and I heard the neighbor girl outside. She was the same age as me and had long, dark hair and dark eyes. For no logical reason, I left the living room and went to my bedroom. Our building was an oddly configured duplex and her front door was outside my bedroom window (which was probably not the best design for privacy). I usually left my window curtains open a bit because I have never liked feeling cutoff from the outside world and enjoyed the daylight coming in. On this day I decided to strip naked and hoped that maybe if she came into her home she would see me nude while I unnecessarily undressed. Being a male teenager, this simple surge of false sexual excitement immediately gave me an erection. Well, my timing was perfect on this day. Having gone through her doorway hundreds of times before, she did not stop to glance through the open curtains and window. But today she was with a pretty blonde girlfriend who did peek through the window to witness a young man's proud boner. I tried to divert my eyes to make it look like I didn't know she was watching, but I knew the pretty blonde saw me, especially when I heard her say to the neighbor girl, "There's a naked guy in there!" The neighbor girl looked in now too and I made sure both girls got a good view of my stiff, hard cock. After that I turned my eyes away from their direction and pretended to arrange my clothes to get dressed. They lingered a moment longer, then they left the doorway saying something I couldn't make out. After the arousing thrill of this fortuitous event, I was now a confirmed exhibitionist. I think the girls enjoyed the little peep show. I sure did.

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RE:What got you started exhibiting?

one afternoon...I heard the neighbor girl outside... I decided to strip naked...I tried to divert my eyes to make it look like I didn't know she was watching, but I knew the pretty blonde saw me,..The neighbor girl looked in now too and I made sure both girls got a good view of my stiff, hard cock. After that I turned my eyes away from their direction and pretended to arrange my clothes to get dressed. After the arousing thrill of this fortuitous event, I was now a confirmed exhibitionist. I think the girls enjoyed the little peep show. I sure did.

Nice story. I like how you pretended that you didn't know they were watching you. That would be very difficult to do. I know this because I had a similar experience when I was in college. One night, there happened to be 3 girls in one of the rooms in another residence hall that faced my window. I deliberately left the blinds open and started to slowly take my clothes off, pretending that I was going to take a shower. I could see the girls watching me as I took off each article of clothing. I was very nervous and thought about chickening out, but I took off everything and let them see me naked.

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RE:What got you started exhibiting?

I started in my teens. I loved to be naked outside was was nervous to get caught.
Later on holiday my wife dared a went nude on a hotel beach and well, a dares a dare right. I spent the rest of the holiday naked and we had great sex. She even allowed a guy to watch us and thats a whole other story.
Her sister caught me nude and her mother was warned not to let herself in our house as I was mostly naked at home, but she did anyway. I walked out on her completely nude to ask what she needed and we had a full conversation before she left. My with loved ! it.
Since she passed I have carried on my good work haha

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RE:What got you started exhibiting?

The feeling of just being nude in places I might have been caught got me interested in exhibiting when a young teen. And maybe the first thought of it happened when I got an erection in a public shower with about 20 other boys when I was 13. I was embarrassed and excited at the same time. Then when I was around 16, it was winter and I was sick, just getting over the flu but still laying low. I was wearing these favorite pajama bottoms that had been my uncle's that doesn't matter to anyone except me but they had these drawstrings that would allow the opening in front to spread open wide, exposing my penis and balls. It turned me on as a teen to think of my uncle wearing them with his own cock and bush exposed. I would wear them in front of my mirror thinking about that while masturbating. A group of my neighborhood friends, along with my brother, sister and a couple of cousins had gathered in our back yard to go sledding and tobogganing. I couldn't go and they were calling me to the second story window. I suddenly got this idea to "accidentally" expose myself to them and the thought was exhilarating. I made sure my pajama front opening was open wide, displaying dark pubic bush and penis and stepped close to the window. I even opened it to talk to them pretending I had no idea I was exposed. A few of them saw right away. I saw one of my friend's jaw drop. My brother was both laughing and embarrassed for me. The girls were covering their eyes when one friend said " hey, look down" I still pretended to not understand and stuck my head out the window to look down where they were. My friend was pointing at his own crotch to direct my eye and that's when I let them know I had just realized and closed the opening. The reason I share this here is because it gave me the idea to try something even more daring. Months later I was 17 in my room jacking off. I started by wearing those pajama bottoms again and that gave me the idea to exhibit myself again. I put on a jockstrap. I was completely erect. The windows in my room faced the street, a somewhat well traveled busy street in summer. I opened the curtains and stood very near the window in my jock, in profile as though I was looking in my closet for something and not thinking I could be seen. This made me more excited. Cars would go by and I wondered and hoped they might see me. I did this several times as cars passed and each one got me more excited. Then I decided to go further. I peeled off the jock and my cock was probsbly as hard as it had ever been. I moved to the window and dud the same thing. I heard a car approaching and stayed exhibiting myself. The car passed. I was even more turned on. I did it I think two more times, even turned full front to the window as though turning to look for something else. I wasn't sure if anyone saw or not. Then I did it again, side view at my closet and a car on the street jammed on its brakes! I pretended to not notice and kept myself on full display. They jerked forward and pulled into our driveway and came back another time! I stayed knowing they could see me. I even looked discreetly their way and saw at least four young people, high school or college age pointing and looking. I moved away and cane back immediately, trying to keep it natural. They slowly moved then used our across the street neighbors driveway to turn again! They came back. This time I gave them.a quick look and turned full frontal and shot my load doing it. Some on the window, some on the floor but I was stunned, mortified to see that our across the street neighbor, a middle aged man and a visiting friend of his I also knew, had noticed the commotion with the car and were both directly staring right at my window. I don't know how long they had been watching but they had a clear view and were talking to each other without looking away. I moved away from the window, the car left and the neighbor stayed talking butbI kept myself from view. I know this was a long story but it is what got me really interested in it and still remains one of the hottest exhibitionist experiences I ever had.

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