Sex drive

As some people on this site and TN might be aware I was off both sites for quite a while, I was unfortunate to catch covid in the first wave in the UK which was before the vaccine ( yes I know some people think covid is a myth ) however I was unwell for almost two weeks and clearly no interest in sex, when I recovered I had low energy levels and very little interest in sex, and just thought this was part of ageing and that Covid had taken it;s toll , I felt like this for months , only last year after having to consult a Dr as I'd been passing blood that my Dr took blood samples and sent me for a colonoscopy , which proved negative for colon cancer, however the blood tests showed low folic acid, I was advised to take a B12 tablet every day , after doing this for almost 5 months my sex drive has returned with a vengeance and I'm enjoying sex again, the reason I'm writing this is to ensure that other seniors don't just see their decline in their sex drive as " just old age " and should be checked out , low folic acid doesn't only leave you tired and have no sex drive, if unchecked it can lead to many health conditions including dementia something I doubt any of us want, and if you're a younger member of the group and you have an elderly lover or friend who's suddenly turned form someone who can't get enough sex to no interest please feel free to tell them my story,. I wouldn't want anyone to feel like that we should all be able to enjoy sex.... no matter what age we are

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