The Essential Philosophy Of Satanism

Most of us know of Satan through the Bible, and that is the root of a lot of problems in understanding what this practice is rooted in. One, it is not the opposite of Christianity. It was old when Moses walked the earth. It was old when Adam walked the earth (I am using the older story not suggesting that this man lived or did not), if you recall the serpent is in the garden beforehand. Why is he there? Because it is HIS garden. Priapus, Pan, Apollo, the Green Man, Phallus, Daimons, Shiva (lingam), Quetzalcoatl, Anansi, Loki, Zoroaster, Marduk, Osiris and Horus, Set, all the gods of the woodland and nature, of fecundity and sex, of the rhythm of the spheres of the natural world in which we vibrate as well, and in between heaven sky and earth underworld and our feet on the one and our head near the other the above was no higher than the trees or mountains and the below under the loam and grass. Above is energeia, lightning electricity the spark of all life and it conducts down trees to the earth where it may turn soil into glass, and this, this tells us the alchemy of the electricity in the living/dying soil is to render it eternal (glass) so the power that comes down it that of the divine eternal and the power below is life and death bound in one thing the divine eternal renewal. In Christian theology God is outside of all things and space and time, all seeing all knowing all loving and completely not real so that men can call him by any name they want. Gun loving Jesus, for example. But with earth religions, God is between your legs, his legs and his legs and the divine truth is never further away than your penis or his (vaginas too and anuses as well but I digress) we are all called to be in HIM through our penises and the brotherhood they bind us to.

Yet this brotherhood is stifled blocked covered shamed forbidden and why? It calls out the false religion that puts power in the gelded priests who shun magic and sex (and commit violence in the name of love) over the scores of divine men and women in the world and it tells them again that this god hates knowledge of self, of pleasure of bodies and of himself. Satan says know all love all and be free in the pleasures of the divine rod of life that taketh from the deep dead rot and renew in her or him *baby and not baby, making no baby just pleasure is as important as making one when you dont want too many so male anal sex a satanic religious rite is the covenant of brother, I will stop your worry and burden for no child shall be made in this love tonight, that which until the last century men and women couldnt do. All human sex is sacred each act each way and with any gender and Satan gave us this gift when the father denied genitals to humanity. He cast them out for fucking not being nude because they were like animals and he was a very proud god who thoght they were malformed and imperfect so he made people. Satan said fuck dad this is shitty they will see they have no joy and he gave them a penis a vagina and breasts... they fucked. Yaweh was going to have only two... this is part of why he keeps killing his children cause he wanted it my way and he got luci's highway to hell..o because hell isnt down, its...right here and it's not a bad place, it's the paradise that was in the earthly domain that fell from gods lips as he cursed woman and ignored the snake and the man. The fire is the primal flame and in every mythos of hell ressurection is daily...rebirth and regeneration not a spirit in an immaterial world.... and lots of fucking by a sounds a bit like fun. Hell is the gate through which the today becomes the end of eschatology and teleology (myth of end times and myth of always improving towards heaven or perfection) both rob the now of its potential. If we wait for the end, we do not live now.

If we see perfection over the horizon never we never see now as perfect. These lies kept joy from men's hearts and holes. Today, fuck and suck and stroke and lust today, for today is perfect and you are perfect not as a creture redeemed by a genocidal fairy of nothing, but by the thick seed and blood in his universal member in all of us men now! His penis is redemption as is yours, as is mine and we do each other a bad turn when we do not accept into our lives the penis of our brothers as our own should be wanted in return. Can't do it? Then you cant do it for yourself. Which means that the acts of self love or the self affirmation a is damaged circuit that needs more attention and love. All ages adult onward to death is the penis ever sacred. All bodies are beautiful and ever sacred. You are magic in the way you are already and powerful in the penis you are blessed with and if that blessing needs renewal step forth brother and be annointed and renewed. I have spent my lifetime in His care my cock has always spoken with His truth and this may seem strange or impossible but that blessing and curse was on me, and I am because of this of His most honoured servants to carry His message forward and to the world. I call on all men to serve Him and each other in this manner as much as possible it only brings light and lust love and the freedom of being submitted to Holy Penis as it should be....whereas I am becoming a servant in all times and ways, and I seek that life of loving cock men and Satan as a faith and as a path. All are welcome to partake and join with me, I am for the service of my brothers and have been. I exist to pleasure my brothers and teach them and learn from penis and worshipping penises what more i know not of myself and Him. It seems silly or simplistic but for me it is nothing short of the truth and revealed at last after years of searching.

To bring Him into your life more deeply become more loving of your cock with your cock and with the cocks of others and let him unto you as you unto him suck and take seed and give forth your own. I am for being fucked and for fucking and for the holy fellation of all my brethren who so need that succor and love and holy in that same way to accept it in return. I hope some of you find the inspiration in this and understand the meaning of the words and let me know what is open or closed to you and I will try to help. My true healing power is in the contact between flesh and flesh and the ritual he has taught us all in how cock is to be sucked and adored by all. His covenant is in the anus and taking seed and giving it becomes his communion the libation of the vine from the holes seeded by my brothers oh yes it is very carnal and based in the body and sex but this is the spirituality all men yearn for. The rituals for men and women I will draft some time later for I am a temple whore and practice ritual holy homosexuality. Gay men are all descendent from the temple whores as are lesbians trans and intersex blessed beings, sacred to the power of the whole land and its magus and daimons the phallus in seven shrines and the seed secreted in the coinage beyond the realm.

As Rome rose, so did Satan fall and his power waned by repression and abuse carried in the richest orgiastic excess and the deep forests gnosticisms of fading celtic light. I call Him back. TO me To You TO ALL OF US HIS BRETHREN HAIL AND HAIL BE TO THE LORD OF LIGHT HIS DARK ARTIFICE SUNDERED AND IN THE TENEBROUS FOG, FIAT LUX, THE LIGHT BRINGER IS HERE, HIS STAFF AND HIS WISDOM ETERNAL ARE HERE, HAIL COCK AND HAIL SATAN, FOR LOVE IS ETERNAL AND FOREVER YOURS IN PENIS'S NAME SPEAK AND FUCK AND BE FREE. I offer myself humbly to all who seek. Brother Alexander Leader Of Men, Lover of all. I do love so fully in this moment and wish to glory in that love forever. Thank you and beyond and within and without i am he and he is me. Penis is God.

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