Bible fun

Anyone else fuck the Gideon bibles found in hotel rooms when they travel?

I like opening them up, applying a generous amount of lube to my cock, and rubbing my manhood across the pages as I chant HIS unholy name.... watching the lube slowly penetrate the paper, weaken it, then tear apart, destroying the word of god.

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RE:Bible fun

Interesting! Thanks for sharing your experience. Anyone else have similar experiences?? Hail Satan!!

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RE:Bible fun

I enjoy rubbing my tool over each and every page - should anyone read the book of lies they well have touched my skin trace's left in each page.
With a prayer that who so ever reads the book of lies turns to our Lord SATAN!!!
Hail SATAN !!!

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RE:Bible fun

Beautiful, bro. Let anyone who touches it come under HIS spell so that they, too, may serve the Dark Lord. Hail Satan !

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RE:Bible fun

Should be are goal to bring all children and adults to worship SATAN - save the young from growing up under a book of lies - I give my body to Server in SATAN'S Coven of Naked Lust

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RE:Bible fun

I have cum in a hotel bible

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