Why do you

So why do you stretch?
I started stretching because my balls were so high & tight. When hit with winter cold, they'd actually pull up in my belly, making me nauseous,
I used metal stretchers & got my balls to drop & swing. The feel of the balls swinging is intoxicating. Mine aren't too sensitive, I know some guys cringe if you even look at their balls. Having low hanging balls, I sometimes get the benefit of them swinging & slapping my partner & oh boy does it add a pleasant dimension to sexual pleasure for me.
So why do I stretch - more scrotal skin = more erogenous skin. More scrotum = more range of motion for the balls. When my balls drop more, they are more involved in the physicality of sex = more pleasure.
Side bonus - in the heat of summer I will wear loose shorts over loose boxers. This lets the balls really drop & when they are hanging & swinging as I walk - I just feel so masculine, I feel such the bull. It's like letting them swing raises my testosterone.
Second side bonus. Partners tended to press / roll my balls as one round lump when they were high & tight. Now they hang, they've become their own thing. Partners tend to grab the bag & pull it & use it as a handle when performing oral on me. It's like I have an additional sexual organ.
I love my stretched out balls/bag. Why / what benefits have you gotten from weights / stretching / body modification?

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