Most memorable public exposure?

What is your most memorable public exposure - either your nudity or someone else? Did it end with hot sex?? Post pic?

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RE:Most memorable public exposure?

Back when I lived in Kansas City, I met another nudist/exhibitionist. We drove around late night naked pulling over asking random strangers for directions. Then went back to my apartment complex which was an old renovated hotel...head to toe buck ass naked. Then went outside to the complex next door and had some of the hottest bareback sex. Then still completely naked as we left all our clothes in my apartment back to my place. To my one saw us.

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RE:Most memorable public exposure?

My most memorable was the first time I dared to go to a nudist camp and actually get naked with some friends! I will never forget the feeling. It's been 15 years and love it everytime I can go!!!

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RE:Most memorable public exposure?

There are so many but the one which comes to mind is the time I was putting out the recycling (see picture) when a car came round the bend. So, as usual I stood by the right hand gate pillar so they would not see my total nudity as they went past.
However the car stopped by the gate and the lady driving wound down the window and asked me directions. We talked for a couple of minutes until she understood exactly which way to go and drove off.
At no stage was my nudity mentioned although she had a full frontal view.

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RE:Most memorable public exposure?

I've been seen nude so many times where it wasn't expected that it's become sort of a non-event. Sometimes it's a deliberate choice, like the time I was jogging nude along the water on a remote stretch of the Indiana Dunes Lakeshore and decided WTF, stayed nude as I passed a clothed guy strolling along ahead of me. Total buzz in the decision and execution, but later I did feel a little conflicted. With no bad result, it's led to me being bolder now..

A few years ago I was out on the patio of a bar in California on underwear night. A lot of guys shirtless, some in underwear and jockstraps. At a point I decided to peel off my jockstrap and wander around naked, too stares of disbelief. Then the hunky bearded guy I was talking to decided to join me, and we sat on the bench across from the window into the bar jerking each other. Leaned over to fluff each other a little with our mouths. I remember him repeating every so often "I can't believe we're naked at the bar." And we overheard other guys commenting stuff like "OMG, those guys are naked" "Did you see those naked guys?" All I can say was endorphins flooding my brain.

The next day I saw him at a pool party where most the guests were members of the same church (I was the guest of a buddy of mine). I looked at him and reminded him of the night before and all he said was "When are you coming back?" Unfortunately, haven't seen him again, but what an exhibitionist buddy he was.

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RE:Most memorable public exposure?

Great stories guys! Love them!

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RE:Most memorable public exposure?

There are so many it's hard to chose. I'll pick three in which I was amongst textiles.

The earliest was on a warm early January day. I'd disposed of all my clothes in a woodland (see 1st photo) and drove home, obliged to be naked. As I arrived home I saw our neighbours washing their car next to where I was to park. I parked and got out of the car shielding myself with the driver's door. That was useless as the neighbour's wife came over to ask me what she could do with her Christmas tree.

Another time was at the end of a packed party in our village pub. I'd worn a kilt and so many ladies asked what was under the kilt I decided to show them by stripping naked. I was very much encouraged by the landlady and got a free scotch whisky afterwards.

My third choice was on Christmas Eve in Fuerteventura. This time it was OK to be naked even though everyone around me was clothed. I grew my white beard longer and wore only a Santa hat and flip flops. So many of those I passed took photos of this nude Santa, including a group of young ladies who were in the photo as well (sadly I don't have that photo).

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RE:Most memorable public exposure?

Mine was skinny dipping at a large hotel in Baltimore. This hotel had two wings jutting out from the main building with a courtyard between. One wings was rooms and the other this large indoor pool with large windows looking out over the court yard. I went for a swim and as no one was there lost my shorts. After awhile I felt free to swim and wander around naked. I notice several of the rooms had people standing in the windows of their rooms watching me. I was hoping someone might come down and join me but no one came. I had a great time relaxing naked and hope everyone enjoyed the show.

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RE:Most memorable public exposure?

It is kind of a toss up between 2 events. First was about 15 years ago I was driving from Ft Lauderdale to Key West. I left at 4am and it was quite warm outside so I thought it would be fun to drive nude with the top down on the convertible. This was when they still had toll booths on the turnpike. I came up on the toll booth and decided to stay nude. I did not have any change so I gave the woman a $10 bill. After a few seconds she noticed I was nude and it took her about 5 minutes to count my change while staring at my cock all the time. After giving me my change she said "Thanks for making my day" I felt really good about that since the best part of being seen nude is when someone enjoys seeing me nude.
The other time was June 2019 when I finally did my first World Naked Bike Ride in New Orleans. While being seen nude is no big deal for me, the idea of total strangers being able to take pics of me nude was exciting. At the park that we assembled there were a lot of spectators lining the fence taking pics. I walked around the perimeter of the fence so that anyone that wanted to take a pic of me nude could. As the ride began the route was lined by people taking pics and video. At one point we had to stop and wait for a train. A couple of women were walking around taking pics of the nude guys. Most of the guys covered themselves, not me. They took about 20 pics of me including close ups of my cock. I started to get hard, but then the train was past and we started the ride. One of the women said she would like to do a private photo shoot of me so I gave her my email address. Never heard back from her.

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RE:Most memorable public exposure?

I suppose my most memorable one is skinny-dipping most mornings before breakfast from the beach in front of a town centre hotel on two separate weeks' holiday. I edited this video from several days' recording. Although the beach was quiet I was seen by several passers-by and some members of the hotel staff.
The picture is a frame grab from the video.

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RE:Most memorable public exposure?

I swim naked in hotel pools a lot

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