LaVeyan Satanism

Does anyone in the group have experience with LaVeyan Satanism?

Is anyone in this group a member, or former member, of the Church of Satan or the First Church of Satan or the First Satanic Church?

I'm interested in connecting and learning more.

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RE:LaVeyan Satanism

LaVeyan Satanism is based on Anton LaVey's Satanic Bible by and followed by the Church of Satan, which he founded, The Satanic Temple, First Church of Satan, and the First Satanic Church

LaVeyan Satanism appears to be based on realism, rather than worshiping Satan as an actual being. LaVey was heavily influenced by the writings of Ayn Rand and Friedrich Nietzsche.

Click on any of the links above to read more.

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RE:LaVeyan Satanism

Does anyone in the group have experience with LaVeyan Satanism?

Ask me sometime.

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RE:LaVeyan Satanism

LaVeyan Satanism is based on Anton LaVey's Satanic Bible by and followed by the Church of Satan, which he founded, The Satanic Temple, First Church of Satan, and the First Satanic ChurchLaVeyan Satanism appears to be based on realism, rather than worshiping Satan as an actual being. LaVey was heavily influenced by the writings of Ayn Rand and Friedrich Nietzsche.Click on any of the links above to read more.

It's a grift LaVey wrote to compete with Dianetics and Scientology. You will see some paralells, but the main thing Anton sought to do was make a cult that took the best parts of the gospels, the best parts of human experience and epicurianism and hedonism, and then yes, there is some fucking ubermensch in their because we can't get through a theology in the US wihtout supremacy of some kind but achtung, in the Hegelian synthesis the product of the thesis anti thesis by the time of Neitszche had failed, this great sweep of historical resolution from Jena to Nurnberg ends in chaos and death not truth and knowledge... it is a sort of immanence without the clarity of Spinoza, deus sive natura and the need of the holly wood to have a lot of woo and hocus pocus definitely hits the book and the ideas. It's got some neoplatonism in it and they all gave tons of money to fund lavey and his lifestyle but Lron went far far further and the satanlaveys didnt do much harm to anyone by comparison, He just wanted in on the grift. It's philosophically and theologiclaly muddled and it puts too much power in the above and the priests and the heirarchy of nonsense they all have. You are the most high already, He is. We all are. And in this the fatal flaw of his Satanism, because he is spirit he drifts up to yaweh even if he goes down, its the tendency of a trancendentalist world to put the immaterials out of the world then they are not even working on the world and they are nothing at all. Whcih is shitty god stuff for any possible creative and healing power in life and in death. Spirit circulates in all things and materialises in all things and all things living are Him and all things dead are Him and even all the never living becuse those things are life eternal energeia because it is all energy...all life. BY worshipping the penis we draw Him into our brothers through mouthes and anuses and that makes him of the flesh. Not the biggest nor the thickest not any competition but the one tha resonates most with HIM and in you. Praise be his rod of light and damnation. Peace from the male power is the truth of cock He is the angel of mercy he is the angel of wars not waged he is the angel of peace, because when we are in HIS service we love each other too much to kill each others. HIs sacrifice is to not make one. Death is his domain already as Abraham prepares to slay his son. Satan asks you offer life unto the world as a glorious gift not make yourself less for Him. Praise be the lord of plenty praise be his horn, Goat god and sacred groves the bacchanals for the old gods should be brought into the light of this day and this age. LaVey was not able to do any of this.

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