New Photos Added

There does not appear to be any interest in discussions with this group, just members adding pictures to the media gallery. When I just checked, there are new photos that have been added since I checked yesterday. I would like to ask that any members that add new photos to post a quick note here in this thread so that other members are alerted to them, and know to check out what has been added. Thanx.

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RE:New Photos Added

I see there are some new photos added, but no mention of it here until now.

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RE:New Photos Added

It appears that the pictures with women in them are mostly models and not real biker babes. How does one actually find women who want to ride - naked or clothed?

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RE:New Photos Added

Well I added some pics im real and ride as well, If you'd like you can use my pic as the cover photo.

Have you ever ridden nude?

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