Sensual nude massage

I enjoy giving and receiving massages with other guys, either one-on-one or in groups. I am a trained masseur, and have my own massage table, but I'm happy to share my experience with others. I specialise in sensual relaxation massage and foot massage. I live in York where I can sometimes accommodate, or I'm happy to travel. I always like to finish a massage by giving a guy that special happy ending!!

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RE: Sensual nude massage

I would love a massage get in touch

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RE:Sensual nude massage

Hi. I'm in Catterick Sinnot far away and would love to share a massage both giving and receiving. I'm not trained but willing to have a go. Would you like to meet up sometime?

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RE:Sensual nude massage

Hi. I'm in Catterick Sinnot far away and would love to share a massage both giving and receiving. I'm not trained but willing to have a go. Would you like to meet up sometime?

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RE: Sensual nude massage

Hi. Im not a trained masseur but Im happy to oil you up and try. Im in Catterick so not too far away. Weeekdna are better for me. Let me know your thoughts

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