
WHO am I? My name is Jay, and I am a 65year old male from Sparrows Point. I am a dominant, uncompromisingly Polyamorous, kinky, intimate, sensual, hedonistic, sadistic, skeptical, intellectual, autodidactic, philosophical, enthusiastic, and geeky. Occasionally snarky and often silly. Apparently, I am also a 'Dirty Old Man' and a card carrying 'Sick Fuck'. I'm OK with that; and if you were me, you would be too.

What do I WANT? Happy Memories. Mine, yours, theirs. We ARE the sum total of our experiences and connections; the alchemy of our senses filtered through the reflection of our consciousness becoming memory; and then the continued experience of those memories echoing forward with the standing waveform of our awareness. I am a creature of juxtapositions and intersections: beauty and service, service and pain, pain and power, power and pleasure, pleasure and discovery, discovery and beauty... Around and around in infinite configurations. So I want more of all of that. There will never be too much of that. How wonderful. I want more Intentionality. While I am to a great degree grounded by the loves in my life, I am too much of late a leaf buffeted by winds outside my control. Also, I want more TIME...

Relationships and Play. I am both polyamorous and open and I am engaged in both committed and casual relationships with wonderful people whom I have no intention to replace or do without. And I continue to seek new connections and experiences with people because I love people and the awesome things we can accomplish with our minds and bodies. That sums me up, and I hope to meet and make friends here. J

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