female domination

I found a Flickr account which shows a bunch of women who know how to mistreat men - as livestock for milking or meat. As a submissive I found it very erotic. But parts could be a bit strong for some. Or it could be seen as a critique on how we can mistreat farm animals. Look up artac 2013 's account or use this link www.flickr.com/people/112907828@N03

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RE: female domination

Imagine driving to a remote ranch. On arrival you are stripped
naked and all your clothes and posesions are put into safe
keeping. Your car disappears. You will never see your clothes, possessions or car again. You can't escape. You are totally dependent on the women and must do everything they tell you to do. What will that be? Will you ever get out of there? Those women can be quite brutal - you are only livestock, to be treated in whatever way they want.

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RE: female domination

Wow!!! I guess we'd all like to be the man being pinned down by you.

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RE: female domination

Just checking Andie - Do you want to be the next one to be pinned down by Naturist girl or would you want to pin me down? Of course if I struggle a bit it might take both of you to pin me down (I wish).

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RE: female domination

Oh yes!! I'm more than happy to lose to you. (And that's after seeing you on wrestling.) What will you claim for your prize?

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RE: female domination

Let me know when its my turn. Your lovely and sexy thanks for sharing

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RE:female domination

Anyone in Brisbane, Australia?

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RE:female domination

Anyone in Brisbane, Australia?

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RE:female domination

Anyone in Brisbane, Australia?

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