My Nude Exhibitionist Experience

A couple years ago, I had to be catheterized twice within a week. Both times, the procedures were performed by nurses who had to insert the tube into my penis. While that was hardly enjoyable, it did have a more interesting outcome.

My doctor decided I could be taught to self-catheterize myself and arranged to have a nurse come to my home to teach me how to perform the procedure. A couple days later, a nurse came to my house to drop off the materials I would need and remove the hospital applied catheter with the bag. She was a middle-aged woman, who looked like the average housewife. She was slightly plump, but had a nice face and a pleasant demeanor. I guess she was in her early fifties.

She told me I could keep my shirt on with a robe if I wanted. I told her it did not matter and just stripped totally naked. Okay, she said with a smile and pulled out the catheter. It was painful and some blood came out the end of my penis. She watched as I washed the blood off the end of my penis and then went to the dining room table to write her report.

Still naked, I went to the kitchen to get some dish soap and water to wash the catheter she had just removed, in case I needed it again. As I was doing this, she was asking me questions to fill in her report. When I was finished, I returned to the dining room, still stark naked to answer the rest of her questions. I made no attempt to cover up, and she never diverted her eyes. The only time she looked away was to write in her report. I stood there for about 10 minutes on full display for her to see as we casually talked about the plan for my training and when she would return to begin. Eventually, it was time for her to go, so I put on my robe to see her to the door.

When she returned the next day, I greeted her at the door wearing only my robe. Once she was inside, I asked her if we should just get on with it. She agreed, so I dropped my robe and moved to the bathroom. She followed me and brought with her the materials we would need.

She watched me wash my cock, then told me to pull back and hold my foreskin. She gently swabbed my glans with a disinfectant wipe. Then she lubed the catheter and began to insert it into my penis. It was very painful and there was some blood gushing out, but it was worth it just being naked in front of her. We measured the urine that came out, and she examined it to see if there was blood or if it was cloudy. When she was done, she watched me wash the blood off my cock again, then returned to the dining room to fill out her report. When I finished washing the catheter, I joined her to answer her questions and ask a few of my own all the time totally nude until it was time for her to leave.

This repeated several times a day until I was able to insert the catheter on my own. I tried to spend as much time as I could completely naked in front of her, and I think she was enjoying her visits and seeing me naked as much as I enjoyed having her look at my naked body. I especially liked her watching me wash my cock and swab the glans of my penis with the disinfectant wipe. I would do it slowly and methodically wiping the head several times and part way down the shaft. It was the closest thing to masturbating in front of her, without actually doing it.

On her last visit, the plan was for her to sit in the dining room while I went through the procedure in the bathroom and would explain to her what I was doing as I went. I did not get undressed in front of her. I was naked, but she could not see me. When my urine finished flowing into the glass container, I told her how much there was and how it looked. She said she wanted to see it, and was quickly at the bathroom door, where she could see me totally naked. At this point, I was pretty sure she was more interested in seeing me naked than she was in seeing the urine sample. After all, she could have waited for me to get dressed to show her the urine. Knowing this, I took my time doing my regular routine in front of her and chatting with her while naked.

My only regret was that in all the times she visited me and saw me completely naked, I never had an erection in front of her. Unfortunately, I did not know how she would react and I did not want a criminal charge against me. However, it would have been a very exciting way to end her visits.

I hope you enjoyed my nude exhibitionist experience. What are yours?

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RE:My Nude Exhibitionist Experience

The closest experience to yours was when, as a teen, I had a chest operation that left me in bed for a few days, so I got to receive a bed bath. Atvthat age I was mortified I'd get an erection, and managed to get through it.

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RE:My Nude Exhibitionist Experience

It is very interesting how our attitudes towards nudity change as we age. Perhaps it is because that when we are young, we fear that everyone wants to see us naked. Then when we are older, we fear that nobody wants to see us naked.

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RE:My Nude Exhibitionist Experience

A lot of it is societal attitudes, which may be reflected in one's family. My presbyterian upbringing means I doubt I ever spent nude time on the beach as a youngster, as some others did and occasionally still do in Australia. Getting older didn't present any opportunities obvious to me, even though I was aware nudism was a thing. Even now, I'd be reluctant to flaunt my nudity where it's not welcome, but it's others don't mind, then neither would I!

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RE:My Nude Exhibitionist Experience

I agree you shouldnt impose your nudity on those who dont want to see it. In my case, it was a matter of necessity. She had to see my penis to do her job. I just made it about my entire body. She did not object to me being naked or my prolonged nudity, so I pushed the boundary. Had she shown any reluctance to look at me naked or asked me to cover up, I would have done so immediately. I do believe she enjoyed seeing my naked body, so I gave her the best show I could, without violating the law or her professional integrity.

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