Cut and Uncut
Ok, something that I've noticed at some of the nudist parks and clubs that I've been to as well as some bathhouses, I've noticed that some of the younger guys are uncut, but still most are cut. What have you noticed at any nudist places that you have been to?
- 10 years ago
I am uncut but sure wish they had cut me when I was little. The foreskin is a pain to keep clean and the head stays too sensative.
- 10 years ago
subsailor i'll trade you.
- 10 years ago
I sure am glad I am uncut its no problem keeping clean , it looks so much nicer, and the feeling it gives is so lovely when having sex.I don't really like handling cut ones either. I am bi and the woman I'v been with all say they would rather have uncut ones.
- 10 years ago
Ok, something that I've noticed at some of the nudist parks and clubs that I've been to as well as some bathhouses, I've noticed that some of the younger guys are uncut, but still most are cut. What have you noticed at any nudist places that you have been to?
I love my uncut cock, think those who have been cut are missing out.
It depends on where you are and the age group, the younger seem to be motre represented with uncut, the older more with cut
- 10 years ago
I can't see how cleaning under the foreskin is such a chore for some people, its only a two minute job in the shower and I enjoy keeping my uncut cock clean along with trimming the unruly pubic hair etc to try and look the best I can on the nude beaches and to feel clean for my own self satisfaction. Its each to his own and I respect the view of others though.
- 10 years ago
I am uncut but sure wish they had cut me when I was little. The foreskin is a pain to keep clean and the head stays too sensative.
Can't see why you say that,.............. its no problem at all, in the shower its so easy to clean and its so nice to see uncut ones on the beach and its more uncut here in the UK.
- 10 years ago
I am uncut but sure wish they had cut me when I was little. The foreskin is a pain to keep clean and the head stays too sensative.
Just pull it back and run your finger round the base of the head to clean under it in the shower. Even better - get a friend to do it. keeping it pulled back also deals with any "problems" of sensitivity. That's what I do.And it's still there whenI want to use it.
- 10 years ago
Ok, something that I've noticed at some of the nudist parks and clubs that I've been to as well as some bathhouses, I've noticed that some of the younger guys are uncut, but still most are cut. What have you noticed at any nudist places that you have been to?
I am uncut and it was a rarity at my age in history. Born premature and it just never got down (which I am very glad about). I don't think we are as quick to circumcise in the US as we once were. I think there are more and more uncircumcised men every day. I don't feel like the minority any more at clubs and resorts.
- 9 years ago
Ok, something that I've noticed at some of the nudist parks and clubs that I've been to as well as some bathhouses, I've noticed that some of the younger guys are uncut, but still most are cut. What have you noticed at any nudist places that you have been to?
i am uncut and love that foreskin
- 9 years ago
Keeping it clean most of the time is no problem but when out in a park or other place and all the pre-cum stays enclosed and it bothers me to think that it may have an offensive odor to it when others get down on or near it.
- 9 years ago