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About minotaurdc
As my NATURIST NUDIST EXHIBITIONIST & FUNIST Tribe has expanded exponentially since 2021, I wish 100% of my relations were SOLID NUDISTS, but there are a few relatives I treasure as is & I'm working on converting ALL my closeted-nudist friends.
No One need feel or think of NATURISTs NUDISTs EXHIBITIONISTs & FUNISTs as some deviant ( albeit very special deviation/evolution ) dodgy social misfits that must confine OurSelves behind locked doors; the backwoods & outskirts; heavily gated & legislated segregated concentration camp reservations communes & ghettos; overpriced spas with inane rules&rulers; limit OurSelves to interweb platforms with their own anonymous rulers&rules who also seek to exploit OUR INALIENABLE FREEDOM for their profits &/or censor Us for not bowing to their weird codes; or Trolling ass if We are simply a new modern day form of social media (sm) era Flashers. If We dont EXERCISE Our INALIENABLE #ClothesFREE Liberty & Codified #1stAmendment Right to DiVest from & defy inane nanny bodymask mandates & rules&rulers aimed&armed to shame deamonize & criminalize #TheHumanBody & Our Natural Innocent ProCreative LifeGiving LifeNurturing LoveMaking & Joy Organs, some ignoramus might aim to convince or dupe Us Into believing We dont deserve them or never had them in The Beginning & violate Our indivisible Individual Independence & impede Our purSuit of Happiness which the #USgovt was founded to Protect. Life is too short to Live caged in the nightmares & phobias of strangers.
LoveSex - 58
- Gender
- Man
- Orientation
- Bisexual
- Height
- 6' 1"
- Weight
- 180
- Hometown
- Hollywood
- Education
- Bachelors
- Religion
- Other
- Income Level
- Ask me
- Occupation
- Consultant
- Kids
- None yet
- Smokes
- Drinks
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- Weight
- Hometown
- Education
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- Income Level
- Occupation
- Kids
- Smokes
- Drinks
Here for
- Online Fun
- Threesomes
- Soft Swap
- Full Swap
- Anything Goes
Who I'd like to meet
FREErangeNUDISTS: Intrepid Naturists/Nudists who appreciate the INNOCENT JOY OF SEX and the Great Outdoors. Literate Nudists who enjoy being happy & are proud in their own skin & have read the US Constitution to understand their codified right to liberty & happiness includes naturism/nudity.
My Interests
Albums. Books. Nature. #Naturgefhl, FKK. Music. Woods. Art. Museums. Concerts. Nature. Swimming. Yoga. #Nacktwanderung #NacktesRadfahren #Nacktschwimmen #Peace #WNBR @PhillyNBR @HTownWNBR @PDXWNBR #WNBRusa2024 #WNBRsf2024 #SFPolarBearPlunge #SFNudistHighHolyDays #FREErangeSFnudistEXPERIENCE #SocialPublicNudism #NudistWelcomingMerchants, Life/Figure Artist Salons CFNM CMNM, #ReNormalizingNudism, #FREEDOM, INALIENABLE #LIBERTY, Cosmic Joy, Divine Happiness.
Every Single Moment of My Own Blockbuster Life with its scorchingly funky rocking Oscar award-winning soundtrack.
Edgar Cayce wrote: [QUOTE:]The medicine of the future will be music and sound. [UNQUOTE:] ...As a musician, I can appreciate all kinds of music. Little of this, little of that. Punk, Funk, Folk, Gospel, Rock, Country, Symphonic, Soul, Sappy Love Ballads, Trance, and all that Jazz. ...Play in the Sunshine - Prince And the REVOLUTION. ...Play With Sky - Ziggy Marley with Ben Harper.
My Heroes
Those who practice LOVE for ALL. Naturists. Artists. Musicians. Comedians. Poets. Literate & Numerate folks who have read & dig what the US Constitution, #FREEDOM & Our INALIENABLE #LIBERTY REALLY MEAN & ACT LIKE IT ( with respect for all those who struggled & died for it/US ).Anyone who realizes that before face-diapers, BODY-MASKS (clothes and closeted nudists) were normalized and now we have anti-nudity LAWS when previously the ancients (and many modern non-western tribes & scandinavians) practiced NATURISM regularly for health & happiness.The Prophet Isaiah (The Book of Isaiah 20:2 and/or the Nudist fanatic who really wrote it) because when GOD told him to strip barefoot AROM / NAKED and parade around NUDE for THREE (3) YEARS in protest against his govt, he giddily stripped without hesitation and didn't give a sh!t about what anyone else thought, said or wrote about it in the snewspapers; or whiney MOMS and their CUCK baby daddies who can't/don't/wont take responsibility for caring for and educating their own children butt expect the rest of society to do it for them; and folks were so awestruck, no one Fd with Isaiah...even the police. Balls.
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