TSC - The Social Club

520 Lentz Dr.
MadisonTN 37115 United States

TSC is a Meet & Greet for single men, single women and couples. BYOB private club. We provide all the Drink Setups at No Charge. Lodging is close by. We may not be what you are looking for, but we will do our best to help you meet others that may have the same interest and desires as you do. Open...

5.00 (1 reviews)

TSC - The Social Club

520 Lentz Dr.Madison, TN 37115 United Statesthesocialclub.com(615) 674-7195

About TSC - The Social Club

TSC is a Meet & Greet for single men, single women and couples. BYOB private club. We provide all the Drink Setups at No Charge. Lodging is close by. We may not be what you are looking for, but we will do our best to help you meet others that may have the same interest and desires as you do. Open every Saturday night. Smoking area, pool table, large dance floor and great music.

TSC - The Social Club Directions

Located just a few miles North of Nashville off 65N. Turn East at the Old Hickory Exit.