The Woman And Men Who ENJOYS Tastin

Any women or men who Loves the taste and Enjoy the texture and can't get enough to swallow. Semen is even good for your face, skin and it should not be wasted.

Our Enjoyment of tasting Semen/ Cum is Welcome.

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We hope that by starting this group more women than men would write and post their own experiences of how they come to enjoy tasting and swallowing semen.
Me personally and my hubby both enjoy Cum and can't get enough.
I sort of got addicted from the first time I swallowed my hubby's cum and Really Liked the taste of it. Never Ever have I ever wasted any semen and not clean it up.
FYI the most cum or load I even tasted and swallowed was last year on my birthday and I Loved it.
It was my hubby and 2 other couples friends of ours who come to enjoy our company every now and then. I had my hubby's load in my mouth first and then I kept my mouth open for our 2 other friends to deposit their loads.
I did not swallowed immediately coz i wanted to Enjoy the taste and how nice and warm if feels going down your throat.
Hope you gals and their hubby's will post their experiences here.

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RE: Our Enjoyment of tasting Semen/ Cum is Welcome.

Our question is Why does not even 1 of our current members post about their experiences. I noticed they come and read our post but no-one cares or want to write something. Come on guys and gals.

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