The KitKat Club In Berlin

This group is for people who have been to the Kit Kat Club, have read about the Kit Kat Club or have always wanted to go to the KitKat Club. Tell your stories, share the good times... Sadly it may be that the virus has killed the Kit Kat Club - let's keep its memory alive in here.

Currenltly unfortunately closed

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Unfortunately Kitty is closed these times because of the corona situation.
Hope it will change soon.

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RE:Currenltly unfortunately closed

So I understand - what I'd like to do is create a space here where people can share their memories.

Tell some great stories, relive the fun nights

I would have thought there'd be a few fans of the place here.

I can't wait to go again one day.

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RE:Currenltly unfortunately closed

I understand that it is re-opening this week - no that the Tanzverbot has come to an end

Can any of you wonderful Berliners confirm that?

59 days now until I finally can return as long as there are no new variants

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