Sandy Hook, Gunnison Beach
For folks who want to meet up at Gunnison beach. Beach party, or just hang out together, make new friends, hook ups, and take in the sights and warm atmosphere.
Here are links to 2 updates on Gunnison for next summer: Not that optimistic.
Thinking of going to Sandy Hook on Tuesday, August 21st. Anyone else planning on going to Gunnison on that day?
feeling like this group may not be useful...Any suggestions? Or should I close it?
I don't know if anyone else has noticed but the Ranger presence is getting a bit oppressive at Gunnison. First... the Black Skimmers fledged weeks ago so there are no "nesting shore birds", If there really ever where. I'm...
I think I've corrected pic posting problem....someone give it a try and let me know
Thanks for joining the group...Met a couple of you last weekend and hope tor meet more! We can plan a "location" on the beach to meet?
will be at gunnison thurs (july 5) stop by say hi! Yellow sun towel under umbrella. Wes
To the first members of the group, thank you... we are going to have a great summer together! Wes