Nude In SPA

As name suggests hose who are interested in being nude in SPA

Im from Europe but lives in USA.

In Europe, mostly Nordic countries, you do not go in a sauna or hammam with a swimsuit. Its forbidden. Disgusting.

In USA, showing your genitals is disgusting. Ill never understand people in USA.

But anyway, I like when alone in a hotel spa in USA during my business travels to be naked in the hot tub.
Ive been swimming in the hotel pool naked.
But it took me a lot of courage, but I started by going with a thong. And I realized not many people cared.

This weekend, I decided to wear a very small thong, white, transparent when wet. It displays my penis very well. A cockring below it keeps the balls nice and round.

That hotel has a sauna. Ive been there naked as well last night.

Such a blast.

Where I live, in m visiting a Korean spa, only gay guys are going there. Im straight, and dont mind. Its the only place you can go naked without any issues and even have a hardon if youll like without having someone telling you something.

Such freedom is wonderful.

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