Man-on-Man Erotic Sex Stories

This a group for all men who love to write erotic stories (fictional), or who love sharing their real life gay sex experiences. Try to be as descriptive as possible - This will hopefully be great wanking material ! Open to Gay / Bi men.

first cj - circle jerk

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when i was in my early 20's i worked at a small factory and at lunch we would all sit around and chat while eating but sometime i'd go with someone for fast food well one friday one of my co-workers invited me to a party he said it was a all guy cj cluelesss i said a what ? he laughed and said a circle jerk where everyone gets nude on the floor and plays with their cock or someone else cock in the group. i've been bi since i was 12 but not in a group so i said thanks but no thanks. a few weeks later he approached me again and said this friday another cj party and that time i told him i'd think about it as i was pretty bored and not having much fun or contact with females. it was friday morning and i told my co worker i'd take him up on his invite and asked if i needed to bring anything and he said no but if i want to contribute a few bucks for pizza and drinks i could. i made it to the party at 7 that evening and sat in my car nervous as hell i was wearing a t shirt , shorts and sandal as it was mid summer and if i was getting nude i didn't want to tug off much. knocking on the door i could hear a party going on as my co worker opened the door he was standing there nude and welcomed me in , in the living room which i could see from the door was a dozen or so naked guys standing or sitting some already stroking. as i entered he introduced me and rattled off names a few i knew from work yeah monday would be weird i bet anyways they said get comfortable so i removed my sandals t shirt and short and underwear and stood there nude unsure what to do next but several said come join us as everyone was pretty much on the living room floor so i waded though and sat down between a couple guys who motioned my way. i was still nervous but i could feel and see my cock getting hard as my bare skin touch the two other guys who were already stroking so i grabbed my cock and began stroking soon everyone was sharing so i grabbed one of the guys cocks next to me as he had pushed my hand away from my cock and grabbed it. i had stroked a few cocks as the night wore on and now others were sucking cocks so when i got my opportunity i hooked up with on of my co works not the one hosting the party. about 9;30 there was a knock on the door and we all looked up and when my friend opened the door it was the pizza delivery guy with boxes of pizza needless to say he brought the pizza in like no big deal of a dozen nude guys playing with they're cocks. after pizza it was back to playing and sucking more cocks and swallowing cum - it really doesn't mix good with pizza imo. a few left around midnight but most of us spent the night. i spent the rest of summer and into fall going to his parties but when winter hit i was tired of the job and quit i did go to a few more parties but moved onto other things . cj are fun hard sometimes to find someone hosting.

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RE:first cj - circle jerk


We need a party like this now!!!!!

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RE:first cj - circle jerk

Sounds like a delish night for sure.

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