Male Anal Pleasure
A group for all guys who enjoy giving and / or receiving male anal pleasure, whether its self pleasuring during masturbation, anal rimming or full-on anal sex with another male! Let's share pleasure tips, anal sex stories and pics if you have! :0)
big butt plug
Return to DiscussionsI just acquired from GentleToys a large butt plug that is called Missle Butt Plug. It is bigger than I imagined. I can't begin to get it in. I inquired of GentleToys about an intermediate size butt plug. I then found that with one hand, I can get all fingers and thumb up my ass, but not my hand. At least I am now convinced that the biggest cock will go up my ass.
- 9 years ago
I just tried the bigger butt plug again, no way. But my asshole is definitely stretched. If you live reasonably close to me, message me about sticking your big cock up my ass.
- 9 years ago
I just got an intermediate size butt plug. I can't get that up my ass either. I can get eight fingers up my ass.
- 9 years ago