Male Anal Pleasure
A group for all guys who enjoy giving and / or receiving male anal pleasure, whether its self pleasuring during masturbation, anal rimming or full-on anal sex with another male! Let's share pleasure tips, anal sex stories and pics if you have! :0)
Being fingered while sucked
Return to DiscussionsOne of the best sensations of anal pleasuring I have ever experienced is being fingered by a guy while he sucks my cock and balls ..!! Has an absolutely explosive effect ! ;0)) Anyone else enjoyed that feeling from a sex buddy before?
- 13 years ago
oh yess its a must that feeling of a finger in your ass god its heaven ,
- 9 years ago
One of the best sensations of anal pleasuring I have ever experienced is being fingered by a guy while he sucks my cock and balls ..!! Has an absolutely explosive effect ! ;0)) Anyone else enjoyed that feeling from a sex buddy before?
The first thing that penetrates my asshole was my GF finger while she sucks my cock ... This was my ticket to the anal pleasures land ...
- 9 years ago