I Love Watching Gay Porn

If you like to watch Gay porn, join this group and share your favourite porn sites with us ! Especially want to know about free sites, and also nudist gay porn (i.e. where the actors are naked throughout the video).

Hey guys..
www.xtube.com is the best ever to watch and to jerk off.
I highly recommend it. Search for group bear jerk off...u will like their collection.

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It is good. I've made a number of fuck contacts on there. Xtube is mostly about amateurs doing porn.

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I'm bi so I watch all kinds of porn. It just has to be raw. I only fuck bare. I like taking loads too.

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I just saw that Xtube will be shutting down as of 9/5/2021. It's sad to say but for me the site has been failing for some time. It seems most of the amateur vids have been deleted; all of the vids I had saved as favorites are gone as are the vids I posted of myself. I enjoyed many jack off sessions over the years while watching xtube; but those days are long past.

Sadly pornhub and xvideos aren't much better nowadays.

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Yeah, I agree it was a great site in years past - too bad it is shutting down.

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xtube was a dam good thing that got fucked up by pros trying to make money off of it.... not surprised its down...

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Yes, Xtube was great. I posted many JO vids and loved to watch others. You could get very kinky without worry, which I did and there were some fantastic videos done by gents. It will be missed.

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well shit!! did not realize xtube was gone. i had several great videos there of me and my dad

Would have been amazing to know about them and see them too, let us know if you intend on posting them again elsewhere? Would be very hot.

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