I Love Penis

the title says it all! this is a group for men and women who enjoy or love in any way that wonderful male body part. no matter what you call it, this is the group to be in! pics and discussions are welcomed and encouraged


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Expose your dick

Anyone like to expose your dick to others ?

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by vancouver7 
How About Sharing Censored Pics Outside of...

Ireally, really, do not want to get banished from this site by viokating the rules. I even agree that the adminstrators should have absolute control over what can or cannot be shown. I find it a bit bazarre that a swinger's/nudist's site...

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Let's get the ball or balls rolling

Pardon the lame pun. Let's list some slang terms such as dick, cock, dink, wiener, willie and a sophisticated scientific word: phallus. Any more words?