Grower, Not A Shower

This a group for guys who are not that big when flacid, but who grow to a nice size when erect ..! Share some of your measurements with us, what's your size when small vs erect?

I am BI hi guys sorry to be in your group. But I love to be nude with old people whether male or female. Love to do nude chatting with old folks. My yahoo id is crazyabhi3879

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RE: I am BI

I am BI hi guys sorry to be in your group. But I love to be nude with old people whether male or female. Love to do nude chatting with old folks. My yahoo id is crazyabhi3879
Stop putting this in every single group. Would all member please block and flag this guy.

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RE: I am BI

I am BI hi guys sorry to be in your group. But I love to be nude with old people whether male or female. Love to do nude chatting with old folks. My yahoo id is crazyabhi3879
Stop putting this in every single group. Would all member please block and flag this guy.
why baby I am just asking people to join me. if u want u can join me tooo honey

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RE: I am BI

Putting the post on every single group that he is in does violate common sense. I have noted, as of now, the posts were 7 hours ago, so I am not checking the groups where latest post was 7 hours ago.

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RE: I am BI

I am BI hi guys sorry to be in your group. But I loveto be nude with old people whether male or female. Love to do nudechatting with old folks. My yahoo id iscrazyabhi3879

Stop putting this in every single group. Would all member
please block and flag this guy.

why baby I am just asking people to join me. if u want u can join
me tooo honey

You go befriend with everyone and ask them to join you. This
is not the purpose of DISCUSSIONS in groups.

This post was edited
RE: I am BI

I am BI hi guys sorry to be in your group. But I loveto be nude with old people whether male or female. Love to do nudechatting with old folks. My yahoo id iscrazyabhi3879

Stop putting this in every single group. Would all member
please block and flag this guy.

why baby I am just asking people to join me. if u want u can join
me tooo honey

You go befriend with everyone and ask them to join you. This
is not the purpose of DISCUSSIONS in groups.

Who would accept the friend request? He is on the shit list for
posting that same item to every group that he is in.

This post was edited
RE: I am BI

I am BI hi guys sorry to be in your group. But I loveto be nude with old people whether male or female. Love to do nudechatting with old folks. My yahoo id iscrazyabhi3879

Stop putting this in every single group. Would all member
please block and flag this guy.

why baby I am just asking people to join me. if u want u can join
me tooo honey

You go befriend with everyone and ask them to join you. This
is not the purpose of DISCUSSIONS in groups.

Who would accept the friend request? He is on the shit list for
posting that same item to every group that he is in.

Agree! He's extremely annoying.

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