
... Or going commando. For anyone who does not wear underwear, even when we have to be clothed.

We freeball. Cutting a front pocket out ofour trousers, jeans and shorts gives great access to our cocks. I've used it to play with myself while chatting, nobody seeing what I'm doing.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Holly pocket

I assume it was a typo, but the idea of holly in the pocket while freeballing does not attract me.It was a typo but there are some masochists amongst us.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Hole in pocket

lol ok i don't cut them intentionally but i've had a lot of pockets with holes and yeah there is no reason not to reach in and feel around when the opportunity arises. would be ok with friends searching pocket for coins and other things also.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: Hole in pocket

Yes I've done that! I saw buddy of mine do that so I had to try it out! I didn't cut a big hole in the pocket, but big enough to stick my dick through when I got hard. I love it! Now when i get hard I can stick my cock through the hole and show anyone!

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  • 7 years ago
RE: Holly pocket

I know a girl named Holly and I'd love to have her playing in my pocket!

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  • 7 years ago
RE: Holly pocket

that would be so great walking along the street with the cock head out the pocket , just see if anyone noticed walking past

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  • 7 years ago