Fitness Challenge

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Noticed I was fat today ;-)

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Took a few pictures of myself today from a perspective I don't usually see. I was amazed at how fat I am getting! I used to be (operative being "used") a skinny kid. I am divorced and live on a fixed income but have given up bevies (beers) for a long term break. Not forever, not ready for that big a step.
I was wondering if perhaps some other guys (or gals) have some ideas how a bloke can loose weight without going broke buying all that high tech excersize equipment they offer these days. Are sit up's still in vogue? Thought I heard somewhere, sometime back those aren't good for you? Can't remember where I heard or read that. Bend up's? I gotta loose this gut! I wrestled 103lb class when I was a freshman in high school . . . those days are long gone. I now weigh about 210lb . . . am hoping to loose a bit of my gut and get back down to a reasonable 190lb or so?
Any ideas folks?
Yes, I know . . . gonna have to pretty much change everthing! Diet, drink etc. I walk alot but that only takes care of my legs . . . any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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