Daring Nudists/swingers

For those of us who are daring, being naked or having sex where we shouldn't

Dare 3 cut the grass

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Just mow your lawn (cut the grass) naked. More daring if you do it at the front of your house as well as the back. Real show-offs can cut a hay field or mow a public park. There's a pic of me mowing in the album.

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RE: Dare 3 cut the grass

Just cut the grass for 4th of July. Lopped my head off in the photos.
Almost time to cut the grass again. I have to wait for company to come and go though.

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RE: Dare 3 cut the grass

Was too chicken to mow the grass nude, but I did mow it with just my boxers on.

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RE: Dare 3 cut the grass

Both our front and back gardens are pretty well secluded so my bro and I are always naked when outside (weather permitting). Only one young neighbourhood couple can see into the gardens and they sometime complain if they don't see us naked for a few days ! They've been round for naked BBQs on a few occasions.

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RE: Dare 3 cut the grass

You have to love good neighbors like that. I have a bar owner that complained about me not showing up. A different story of course.

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RE: Dare 3 cut the grass

Just uploaded a pic of mowing the yard nude last summer.

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RE: Dare 3 cut the grass

I don't have a lawn to mow, but i did work in the yard naked all day, is that close enough?

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