Daring Nudists/swingers

For those of us who are daring, being naked or having sex where we shouldn't

I was meeting a nudist friend in a local hotel. I said he could unwrap me when I arrived but hadn't quite worked out how. When I got to his room I knew he'd be naked inside. So I stripped off totally naked in the corridor and draped a see-through sarong over myself before knocking on his door. Fortunately it was the right room and the corridor was quiet.
We had to dress to go down to dinner and I'd promised he could rip my clothes off afterwards. I'd prepared my trousers so I could rip the zip out. I did just that while sitting in the busy bar and presented my friend with the zip. I split the seam below it. I always freeball. I left the bar with my trousers gaping and no underwear. Yes my kit was ripped off soon after.

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RE: Hotels

No nobody noticed

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A few years ago I arrived a bit drunk early in the morning at a hotel. As soon as I entered the room I naturally stripped off. Suddenly I had this crazy idea: going out the room and walking around the hall naked. Then I opened the door naked and checked if there was nobody there. As the hall was quiet (people should be sleeping), I started my adventure... walked through a corridor in front of many doors until the hall (where the elevators are), walked through another corridor. Suddenly I heard someone talking and maybe opening a door, then I had to hide myself on the stairs till it got quiet and calm again. I walked a little more through the corridors and went back to my room. Then I realized I was lucky because I didn't close the door and I didn't have the card to open the door with me. It was nice but dangerous lol

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I've made many naked walks in hotel hallways to the ice machine late at night. One time as i was filling the bucket from the noisy ice machine standing there naked, the door on the room right next to the ice machine opened and there i was naked. He just looked at me and smiled and said that thing is noisy isn't it. He was standing behind the door when he opened it a bit but when he began to talk he opened the door even more and he was naked too. He invited me in and we had some great fun on the king sized bed

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Our high school senior class visited NYC in 1962. I enjoyed a daring fuck in the hotel hallway. She wrapped her legs around my waist and we leaned against the wall of the hallway. We had already fucked 30 minutes earlier several floors lower in my room. When we finished and I got in the elevator with several others, the front of my slacks were wet and slimy with our cum.

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I got in a few shots of me posing in my hotel room in VERY explicit positions with the curtains wide open during the day. Also got a shot looking INTO my room window from outside.

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Try it at night, curtains open and lights on. It's much more fun. There is no knowing who, if anyone, is watching. And maybe they can get really close out there in the dark while I'm flood lit.

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Always nice to greet room service nude - especially as a couple lol

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I'm retired now but used to travel almost every week for business. I would always leave the curtains wide open with all the lights on while nude in my room. I would often masturbate while watching porn on my computer or pay-per-view TV. On occasion I'd have a guest over for fun with the understanding that we be nude and keep the curtains open.

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