Daring Nudists/swingers

For those of us who are daring, being naked or having sex where we shouldn't

Something completely different

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All the dares have been about being naked in a public place. Now for something completely different.
I call it putting your fate in the hands of others.
On another site I heard of a young man who's girlfriend asked him to be shaved and then give his best friend a blow job whilst she watched. He didn't want to but he said "yes if 35 people say he should do it". The 35 people did vote for it so he was duty bound to comply. In the event his girlfriend did more than watch. All three enjoyed it so he's doing it again.
I'm sure there are all sorts of variations on this, even body pearcing or a tattoo. The two main parts are being controled by the public vote and having someone to ensure the committment is honoured.
Well maybe it's time to put myself on the line in a small way. So here is the deal: For most of 2012 I was smooth, shaving off all my body hair each day. I let it grow for the winter and now I'm very hairy. As it's Spring i't's decision time. Should I stay hairy or remove it all? - it's up to you. If enough group members vote yes: I will get a friend to remove my pubic and body hair. The friend will decide the rules and the method of hair removal but you can make suggestions. They might bring other friends with them to particpate or watch and take photos. I expect there won't be many votes either way. So I am reducing the number of "yes" votes required by one or two each day. If you work that out I actually need "no" votes to stay hairy. Either way I will go with the decision and you will see the result.

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RE: Something completely different

Remember for each day that nobody responds I will reduce the required number of "yes" votes by one - or maybe two. It started at 20. So it could dwindle to zero by 5 April. Soon after I will be visiting a friend who will do what is called for. I actually need "no" votes to stop me. So come on, say "dont be such a wally Olly, keep your hair on" etc and save my fur coat.
The number of "yes" votes needed now stands at 6. Any smothies may well vote yes.

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RE: Something completely different


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RE: Something completely different

Yes yes yes yes yes

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RE: Something completely different


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Hair today, gone tommorrow

I'm freezing the number of "yes" votes required at 6. That's just three more. If and when it does I will do it.

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RE: Hair today, gone tommorrow

as long as we get to see pictures. YESSSS

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RE: Hair today, gone tommorrow

I have a willing volunteer to remove my hair and hopefully there will be pictures. Just 2 more yes votes needed.

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RE: Hair today, gone tommorrow

NO Olly keep the fur! Much sexier!

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RE: Something completely different

All the dares have been about being naked in a public place. Now for something completely different.I call it putting your fate in the hands of others.On another site I heard of a young man who's girlfriend asked him to be shaved and then give his best friend a blow job whilst she watched. He didn't want to but he said "yes if 35 people say he should do it". The 35 people did vote for it so he was duty bound to comply. In the event his girlfriend did more than watch. All three enjoyed it so he's doing it again.I'm sure there are all sorts of variations on this, even body pearcing or a tattoo. The two main parts are being controled by the public vote and having someone to ensure the committment is honoured.Well maybe it's time to put myself on the line in a small way. So here is the deal: For most of 2012 I was smooth, shaving off all my body hair each day. I let it grow for the winter and now I'm very hairy. As it's Spring i't's decision time. Should I stay hairy or remove it all? - it's up to you. If enough group members vote yes: I will get a friend to remove my pubic and body hair. The friend will decide the rules and the method of hair removal but you can make suggestions. They might bring other friends with them to particpate or watch and take photos. I expect there won't be many votes either way. So I am reducing the number of "yes" votes required by one or two each day. If you work that out I actually need "no" votes to stay hairy. Either way I will go with the decision and you will see the result.AFFIRMATIVE! YES!

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RE: Something completely different


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