Curious Men And Women...

This group is for guys and girls who are stuck in the middle of their sexuality. Are we straight... Are we gay? Are we bi? Share some experiences on how you went from straight to bi or bi-curious, or even gay? How did you know your sexuality? How did you introduce being bi-curious or bi-sexual into your relationship? Share with us your experiences on introducing the bi life into the bedroom......

The Kinsey Scale

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Are you gay straight or bi? Search the web for the Kinsey Scale, take the short, anonymous test. Tell us y our score. I am a 3.

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

I rated a 4 which makes me homosexual which doesn't bother me as even though I classify myself as been bisexual I do know that I have more leanings to being Homosexual than bisexual as I have been having more sex with guys than females nowadays.

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

I got 1

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

I'm a 2.

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

Scored a 4. Thought it would be higher.

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

Well it turns out there is no ONE Kinsey scale. There are different ones , I took the first that showed up when I googled it - made a 5 on first one and a 4 on second one. Like the rest of you though, its what I would have expected .

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

I am a 2
I dream of having sex with a woman but have two problems; 1.) can NOT find a woman for me & 2.) Can NOT get my cock hard anymore.
So... I have found that playing with guys gives me sexual satisfaction. I have even learned to deep throat a cock.

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

The test I took put me as a 6 which is exclusively homosexual , as I've only had one sexual encounter with a Woman 15 years ago I'd say that's accurate

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

My score is 2. Maybe bcz I am interested in mmf more then mm.

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

I am a 2I dream of having sex with a woman but have two problems; ...2.) Can NOT get my cock hard anymore...

Im sure there are a few folks around this site that would be willing to try to prove you wrong on this statement. From the looks of your photos, I would even be interested in trying that...

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RE:The Kinsey Scale

I scored a 3. Does that mean i win a prize?

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