Cunnilingus (vagina Licking)
This group is for anyone who enjoys giving pleasure to women--especially by licking their vaginas. Feel free to share techniques and resourses--such as the book by Kim Cattrall, The Art of the Female Orgasm.
I just started another group, Women Who Squirt.
Return to DiscussionsThe group, Women Who Squirt should be approved within a week. It is for both men and women who are interested in helping women to achieve intense orgasms and gushing vaginally (squirting).
- 13 years ago
The group, Women Who Squirt should be approved within a week. It is for both men and women who are interested in helping women to achieve intense orgasms and gushing vaginally (squirting).
The group is up and running.
- 13 years ago
The group, Women Who Squirt should be approved within a week. It is for both men and women who are interested in helping women to achieve intense orgasms and gushing vaginally (squirting).
The group is up and running.
I am thrilled that people are cuming to the Women Who Squirt group. Happy orgasm, ladies.
- 13 years ago