A group for clothed females to chat to naked males and to watch them masturbate.
Clothes free Spot
Return to DiscussionsOften I prefer to stay at the clothes free spot on the nude beach. Most of the time I remain the only bare naked guy. Girls prefer this place to topless only.
In clothes free hikings I think I was the only person bare naked all the ways one or twice in the group.
Although I like to have sex with men and woman, I prefer to show my naked body to women. I prefer older ladies and I do it only in places the people knows they will see naked bodies. I don't feel comfortable If the ladies are offended in any way!
I agree to the quiet places. A few years ago I climbed up to a normal spot for me and opened a book. I didn't realize a mountain climbing class was coming up the face of the rock onn the other side. At first I was trying to cover up , but gave u after the traffic increased.