Ball Weights / Stretchers

A group for men who like to stretch their balls. What kind of method do you use, weights, stretchers, metal, silicone, leather ???What are your experiences, and have you seen results ?Any tips for newbies ?Any pics you want to share ?Post it all here !

Just sharing my pictures with a magnetic ballstretcher

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I think magenta ballstretchers are the best. You must be careful while putting it on. Ive found the way that it works for me is to first push as much skin as possible then the closing section Ill hold not at the tip of my fingers but about half way so that as the magnet catches my fingers further pushes the skin away. I go as slowly as possible so that if I start feeling a pinch I move away the skin where I feel the pinching. Its takes some experience. Now I dont even look in the mirror while putting it on.

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