Australian Nudists-Swingers

A place where we Aussies can all get together ( gay-bi-straight )

big group Australia group join

Worlds Largest Swingers & nudists Lifestyle Community! Join the **hottest global community** of open-minded couples, swingers

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Off to have some fun in the sun this week...

I'm off to Cobblers & Obelisk tomorrow but looking to head to Birdie this week to play in the sun and have some fun :) let me know if you are there :)

Hi from Perth

Hey gang, I like to get to warnbro beach whenever I can sneak away, hopefully catch someone down there. I'm in Aubin Grove Perth

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Hello from Melbourne

Hi all, i know there are a lot of Melbourne/Victorians on here, be great to catch up and/or chat.

Hi from Melbourne

Hi everyone, relatively new to the swingers scene, I'd love to meet some locals :)

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Obelisk and Cobblers beaches Sydney

Live to hang and play with those coming to Mosman nude beaches. Lots of great spots. Get in touch.

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by OzzyChris 
Kalgoorlie W.A

Hey all , if anyone's travelling around the country or W.A feel free to drop me a line and perhaps meet up can provide accommodation if needed open invitation to all Gay, Lesbians, Bi, Nudists , Swingers , Trans , or Crossdressers like myself...

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Melbourne and Sth East Vic

Where are all the Swingers and Nudists from Melbourne & Gippsland?

Hi from Perth

Hi everyone, new member here and I just thought I'd pop in and say hi to everyone. Hanging out for consistent warmer weather to get down to Swanbourne more often. May even see some of you down there. Aside from that - play safe, have fun.

Latest PostG'day mate
by Scottoroger 
saying hi

Hi we are new to Dover Tasmania and looking for friends cheers Baz and Shaz

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