Women have curves.... or at least they should.

When I was married in the '09s, I learned to really appreciate a nice curve butt on a lady.... I have been told that I have a nice butt. Walking long distances has kept it pretty tight.

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RE: Women have curves.... or at least they should.

I agree. Maybe they are steriotypes. On a woman I like a well rounded bottom, behind hips that are bigger than her waist. On a man I like a bottom that is tight and firm, with a bit of a hollow in each cheek.
But wouldn't it be boreing if all bottoms were like that. Its great to see all shapes and sizes. Maybe a little cellulite too. The imperfections like imperfections in the body show we have lived a little - or maybe a lot.

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RE: Women have curves.... or at least they should.

Excellent point Olly!!

Butts come in all shape and configurations. We should appreciate butts for their diversity, and the people they are attached too!!

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