Not sure but wondering.
Hi to all! I have a kind of unique situation. ;-) In the summer of 2012, I somewhat reluctantly let five young girls, and two not-so-young women, peg my very tight little ass and, surprisingly, I enjoyed it! They decided that pegging me at the close of EVERY summer would be a nice little ritual and I wholeheartedly agreed! So that's what we've done in '12, '13, and '14. The fact that I really enjoy them pegging my ass makes me wonder if I'd enjoy a REAL, LIVE, DICK in me!!! I've fantasized about it quite a bit and I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy it, but "the opportunity just hasn't presented itself";-) I'm 75 and in pretty good shape and I think about it quite a bit. Although I'm not as tight as I was in 2012, I'm still a little leery about having a big cock shoved in me. I know, from the pegging experience, that LUBE is the answer but I still have some misgivings. Someone tell me that it would be worth the pain!! ;-)
- 10 years ago
If you like being pegged, you will like a real cock in your ass! If the cock is bigger than the pegs, just have the guy go slow to open you up and of course use lube! I have a boyfriend for the first time in my life (I will turn 65 in less than a month)and he is bigger than what I thought I could take, but even without lube I opened up quickly and absolutely love when he fucks me, which is every time we have sex. We don't live together yet and only get to have sex once or twice a week. I had only been fucked a few times before our first date but he opened me up right away and it has been great.I encourage you to go for it the first time you have a chance. Let guys here on TS know that you are looking for the opportunity and guys in your area will step forward to help you, just make sure they are willing to go slow and let you decide when to have them stop pushing so you can rest a moment before going further.
- 10 years ago
Hi to all! I have a kind of unique situation. ;-) In the summer of 2012, I somewhat reluctantly let five young girls, and two not-so-young women, peg my very tight little ass and, surprisingly, I enjoyed it! They decided that pegging me at the close of EVERY summer would be a nice little ritual and I wholeheartedly agreed! So that's what we've done in '12, '13, and '14. The fact that I really enjoy them pegging my ass makes me wonder if I'd enjoy a REAL, LIVE, DICK in me!!! I've fantasized about it quite a bit and I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy it, but "the opportunity just hasn't presented itself";-) I'm 75 and in pretty good shape and I think about it quite a bit. Although I'm not as tight as I was in 2012, I'm still a little leery about having a big cock shoved in me. I know, from the pegging experience, that LUBE is the answer but I still have some misgivings. Someone tell me that it would be worth the pain!! ;-)
- 10 years ago
if your with the right person there isn't much pain at all more pleasure then anything well for me anyway and yes lube lube and more lube
- 10 years ago
Let guys here on TS know that you are looking for the opportunity and guys in your area will step forward to help you, just make sure they are willing to go slow and let you decide when to have them stop pushing so you can rest a moment before going further.
It's pretty damn hard to find a guy! Craig's list is LOADED with them but I'm leery of going that route. There's a guy on TS who lives in my area but I doubt that he'd be interested in topping me. (Nice cock, though.) Guess I'll just have to "settle" for being pegged by the girls at Lake Martin.;-) It's just hard to get up there without my wife.
I DID have one great success on Craig's list last summer, though. I ran an ad looking for peggers and got a response from a group of four ladies visiting a student here who were interested! We all met for coffee at Hardee's one morning and really hit it off! Hardee's was almost deserted and two of them wound up jerking me off under the table in a booth!!! The four of them wound up pegging me MWF for TWO WEEKS! I thought I had died and gone to heaven!! ;-) The student even joined in on the last day and she couldn't have been more than 18 years old! One of them must have been at least 60 but the other three were in their thirties. A good time was had by all.;-)
- 10 years ago
Love too help out - if I could. Being pegged - is not something to be taken lightly. 1 has to be @ ease with it - be female or male. The fact that you've been pegged & are now seriously thinking about doing it with a guy; shouldn't be a deterent 4 you. I hope that your able to find someone nearby, to very slowly, gently & well lubed - open up your tight ass. You don't want a monster cock ( length or girth ) to be your 1st timer. Finding a guy with an average length cock - but not thick 4 your first is paramount. Pardon the expression Sir; but you definitely don't want to be ' torn a new ass hole ' ! If it gets to painful - you tell him to stop. No ramming or banging that lovely ass of yours initally; just very slowly working it. Go to an adult bookstor & look 4 either a butt plug or a dildo. They CUM in various lengths & diameters, some with a vibrator inside of them.
- 7 years ago
hey there I just read your pegging post try getting prostate massagers or small dildos and gradually work your way up
- 7 years ago
Love to meet those girls of your and let them do that to me!
- 7 years ago
Love to meet those girls of your and let them do that to me!
- 7 years ago
Hi to all! I have a kind of unique situation. ;-) In the summer of 2012, I somewhat reluctantly let five young girls, and two not-so-young women, peg my very tight little ass and, surprisingly, I enjoyed it! They decided that pegging me at the close of EVERY summer would be a nice little ritual and I wholeheartedly agreed! So that's what we've done in '12, '13, and '14. The fact that I really enjoy them pegging my ass makes me wonder if I'd enjoy a REAL, LIVE, DICK in me!!! I've fantasized about it quite a bit and I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy it, but "the opportunity just hasn't presented itself";-) I'm 75 and in pretty good shape and I think about it quite a bit. Although I'm not as tight as I was in 2012, I'm still a little leery about having a big cock shoved in me. I know, from the pegging experience, that LUBE is the answer but I still have some misgivings. Someone tell me that it would be worth the pain!! ;-)
I have to chuckle whenever a guy just discovers his ass and is always totally, I had a buddy (str8) whose gf I convinced to peg him because he was asking questions all the time and saying no it was impossible for it to be fun (so she did and he was on for half an hour telling me how I didn't understand how good it Millions of us like getting fucked, trust us, lol. Nah, I am just teasing you a little but mostly proud you went out and did something new and liked it... most of us who fuck men's asses are not particularly into tight, so how you are prepped matters and that can be pleasurable and the penetration easy if you want it to be, or it can be rough and a bit to a lot painful, i enjoy a range of ass sex and there is nothing wrong with it, but the first time should be with an experienced top with patience and who is considerate. If I were to do it, you would have no pain the first time, not a bit. The second...well... also fyi the opportunity in the man on man world is presented pretty much exclusively to men under 25 the rest of us have to hustle a bit for it and find a buddy or a top for a night. Not saying never, just saying I don't get any offers usually...find a buddy local who wants to explore too and get into it! You already have made the decision I can tell by the way you write it, it's just what next right? Put out an ad, say what you want, make the meeting happen and enjoy!
- 6 years ago