How to

This is how to take close up photos of your private parts that won't be axed by the site police. You have to show your face. So put the camera on the floor pointing upwards and ensure you can just see the lens past your bits. That way your bits are close-up with your face in the back ground. There are examples of men here. I'll upload some of women.

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RE: How to

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RE: How to

Which is funny if you look at the pics used by Wyosas and some others

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RE: How to

You got it in one. They copied the rules from TN. Pics for this group are bound to disobey them.

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RE: How to

Ollygrumps, with TN, I agree with you. With TS, those rules are ignored, if they exist at all. TN has some members who are self-righteous in insisting that they ban anything that is at all sexual. I also am with TN, and I joined TS for that reason.

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