Are you more Bi or Gay

I think most guys are bi or gay. I think str8 guys still like a look at a cock or more. I think it is the law for guys to first look at the guy's cock before his face.

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RE: Are you more Bi or Gay

I'm more gay, but I can appreciate the sexual attraction of a woman.

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RE: Are you more Bi or Gay

I have been with my wife for 16 year and my 1st wife was only a year. So right now I feel very depress. So at this point I don't care if it a girl or a guy. I'm not doing so well with girls maybe I would be better with guy, or just no sex

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RE: Are you more Bi or Gay

Sorry to hear that you're feeling depressed.
I don't think you would be better off with no sex.

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RE: Are you more Bi or Gay

I would say I am 99.7% straight however, I do love looking at images of the human form, men or women. I never say "never" about anything in life, but, it would have to be a very exceptional circumstance, so much so, that I am not even sure I could describe here what it must be? Hence . . . the 99.7%.

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RE: Are you more Bi or Gay

I was married for over 30 years and totally faithful to my late wife. But lately all my sex has been with men.But I'm not drifting from Bi to Gay.

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RE: Are you more Bi or Gay

Why is it okay for a woman to be bi (even to be considered normal), but it is not really okay for a man to be bi. Sometimes I like looking at a woman with nice tits and sometimes I like looking at a guy with a nice cock. Sometimes I like a woman's mouth around my cock and sometimes a man's. Plus it is nice to fuck a man's asshole and it is nice to fuck a woman's asshole. Why decide?

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RE: Are you more Bi or Gay

Why is it okay for a woman to be bi (even to be considered normal), but it is not really okay for a man to be bi. Sometimes I like looking at a woman with nice tits and sometimes I like looking at a guy with a nice cock. Sometimes I like a woman's mouth around my cock and sometimes a man's. Plus it is nice to fuck a man's asshole and it is nice to fuck a woman's asshole. Why decide?There is only one person it should matter to Johann and that is you. If you are good with your preferences that is all that matters. The world is full of double standards where others are concerned. My lady friend often tells me of some of her old exploits with loves of the past . . . some of her tales are actually quite shocking to listen to but i enjoy them nonetheless . . . and upon completion of one of her tales, she'll often smile and say to me . . ."you must think I'm a slut" . . . to which I just smile back and say "of course" . . . then I'll add that it is such a double standard that guys are encouraged to have sexual exploits before and often during a marriage . . .but if a lady spills her guts about some of her own exploits she is deemed unworthy and a slut . . . I say . . . "BULLSHIT" . . . whats good for the goose is good for the gander . . .ha! The lady I speak of is 64 now (and very sexually motivated still!!!) but she was absolutely delicious and wild back in her 20s and 30s . . . and literally has had 100s of guys over her years . . . and I think she is an absolute delight! jy

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RE: Are you more Bi or Gay

Here in the U.S. the gay community has invested itself so much in the idea that sexuality is only genetic, for the purposes of convincing the non-believers to live and let live. I believe that genetics is probably the case with my partner. He was obviously gay from early childhood. I'm not so sure about myself. Even though I say that I'm gay, its possible that I'm right in the middle, as I feel very attracted to women's bodies too. Its just that I like how I feel about *myself* more when I am with another man. And that could have been due to some early childhood experiences. I like being intimate with that "male" energy, which isn't necessarily male, as I have felt it with some lesbians as well. But obviously, that isn't going anywhere. Likewise, I don't like to identify my energy as 'female', although I definitely don't feel like any of the straight males around me, even though I look the part. I just think that its interesting that its more about how I feel about myself when I'm in the presence of one person or another. Maybe that's narcissistic.

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RE: Are you more Bi or Gay

I truly enjoy the company of women. I love most everything about them. I love their sweet smooth asses. I love to lick and kiss them. I love their breasts. I love to fondle and suck them. I love their succulent pussies. I love the wetness, I love eating them and tongue fucking them, I love cleaning them up after sex and I love fucking them. I, also, love a woman's smile and her legs. With men, I love their cocks, balls and their asses if they are smooth and clean.Unfortunately, as we reach certain milestones on the calendar, the women lose some of their luster and a lot of their desire and that leaves me with men.Ideally, I would love to find a woman who would enjoy sharing cocks with me.

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RE: Are you more Bi or Gay

A man from Singapore pointed out that Bi includes a desire for sex from both men and women. It includes straight and gay sex. I do like both. So there is no need for tags like Bi/straight or Bi/gay.

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